
Geneive亨利查尔斯·B. 浩博体育app的德根斯坦化学教授, is the first to be appointed a CUR (Council on Undergraduate Research) Fellow under the latest 2024 rollout to the newly branded CUR Fellows Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research Leadership (formally known as CUR Fellows Award). The CUR Fellows Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research Leadership annually recognizes a CUR member who is a leader and role model within the 本科研究 community and whose career represents the values and ideals represented in CUR’s Characteristics of Excellence in Undergraduate Research.

Henry will be honored for her leadership and service as a role model for those involved in 本科研究, 奖学金, 并在6月11日举行的虚拟颁奖典礼上进行创意活动.

“Dr. Henry provides inspiration to all who participate in the vital work of 本科研究, 最重要的是, the new continuum of this Fellows Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research Leadership,林赛·柯里说, CUR的执行官. “She truly exemplifies the spirit of a leader and mentor through her dedication to her 本科研究 participants and her steadfast determination to advocate for them and their access to the research experience.”

Henry received her bachelor’s degree and doctorate from the University of the West Indies, 蒙纳, completed postdoctoral training at Michigan State University and Harvard University. She was a visiting assistant professor of 化学 at Lincoln University of Pennsylvania, 在浩博体育app开始她的独立学术生涯之前. 她直接指导过73人 本科研究 主修 化学, 生物化学, 生物学, 生物医学科学, 地球 & 环境科学, 心理学, 42 of these students have served as co-authors on peer-牧师iewed journal articles. 亨利的指导活动超出了她自己的研究实验室. 她一直致力于提供跨学科的研究机会, 包括传统的和基于课程的, for close to 70 additional students through collaborative partnerships at 浩博体育app and other institutions, 并担任了其中一些学生的共同导师. Additionally, she is a member of the mentoring team for the Susquehanna Women in STEM program. 她为自己在研究实验室为学生提供的培训感到自豪, stating that it has prepared them well for their careers after graduation no matter what they choose to pursue.

Henry is a recipient of several research and service awards including the 2020 CUR’s Chemistry Division 杰出导师奖, 萨斯奎哈纳山谷地区的约瑟夫·普里斯特利服务奖, 浩博体育app的约翰. 霍恩杰出服务讲师. 在她的奖项中, 她出版了许多作品, has presented her research and mentoring capabilities to a wide audience over the years, 并获得了许多与研究相关的资助, including NSF-funded Research in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI) and Research Corporation for Science Advancement Cottrell Scholar awards. 目前, she is a member of the American Society of Pharmacognosy’s Primarily Undergraduate Institution Committee and a Representative of CUR’s Chemistry Division.

“I would like to thank CUR for selecting me for this year’s Fellows Award,” stated Henry. “Receiving this honor from an organization that is dedicated to promoting excellence in 本科研究 is the highlight of my academic career. I would also like to thank my past and current research students who have trusted me to be their mentor. 如果没有他们对研究的奉献,这种认可是不可能实现的. 每一批学生都激励着我成为一个更好的导师, now I’m more committed to my mission to provide opportunities for students to engage in the high-impact practice of 本科研究.”

浩博体育app校长乔纳森·格林说, “The leadership provided by Geneive亨利 to our students at 浩博体育app has been transformative, 扩大获得高质量本科生研究经验和指导的机会. 吉尼致力于培养学生的好奇心和卓越性, 以及她对推进知识和赋予下一代力量的热情, 对她的同事和学生都有启发吗.”

浩博体育app has a longstanding tradition of providing 本科研究 opportunities that enable students to step into a lab alongside faculty researchers as early as their first year. 像genve Henry这样的教职员工在实现这一目标方面发挥了不可或缺的作用,浩博体育app教务长戴夫·拉姆萨兰说. “正如日内瓦之前的CUR认可所指出的那样, she has dedicated herself to mentoring students and faculty from underrepresented groups, 以及培养跨学科和大学之间的合作. 这是Geneive在浩博体育app20多年来专业指导的结果, our students have gained unparalleled hands-on learning opportunities that give them a competitive edge when applying to prestigious internships, 他们的第一份研究生工作或竞争激烈的研究生课程.”