
Making Her Directorial Debut

亚历克西斯杰斐逊 亚历克西斯杰斐逊

亚历克西斯·杰佛逊将在奥克莱尔市Confluence威斯康星莎士比亚节的巴勃罗中心上演她的职业导演处女作, 威斯康辛州.

After a rigorous application process, 她被选为电影节新作品:不可思议的小说系列的导演,获得了不同视角类的奖项. 该系列允许来自全国各地的作家和艺术家以原创戏剧作品的形式展示他们的才能.

总监, 杰佛逊将能够从大约250份提交的剧本中选择她想要执导的剧本,并将参与选角过程.

Though it is her first professional staging, 她即将在威斯康星州制作的作品并不是她第一次执导电影. At Susquehanna, she directed the comedy-drama 基准 格伦·奥特曼. She also wrote a play for SU’s 24-hour Film Festival.

“我喜欢能够看到我设想的东西在舞台上变得生动起来,”杰斐逊谈到导演时说. “我喜欢和人们一起工作,从人们身上汲取灵感,然后把它们搬上舞台.”

杰斐逊来自马里兰州上万宝路,以优异成绩毕业,获得文学学士学位 剧院 with an emphasis in performance. Her ultimate career goals are to write, direct 和 act in films. 她在威斯康星莎士比亚节的经历将于7月结束, she hopes to transition into filmmaking.

“我渴望讲述不常被讲述的故事,并通过各种文化的表现来创造反映我们世界的艺术, 身份和故事,杰斐逊说. “我相信艺术可以创造变化,或者被用作变化的催化剂, so I hope that through the stories I tell 和 create, I am effecting positive change.”

Taking His Talent to Charm City

雅各布·布伦纳 posed outside beside a tree 雅各布·布伦纳

雅各布·布伦纳观点 平面设计 less as an art 和 more as a problem-solving device.

After earning his Bachelor of Fine 艺术, 在卡莱尔, 宾西法尼亚, native will join Mission Media, a br和 marketing agency in Baltimore. Brenner graduated summa cum laude with departmental honors.

“Graphic design is a good mix of everything I enjoy — creativity, problem-solving 和 making things for other people,布伦纳说. “Graphic design is everywhere, 和 everyone needs it.”

布兰诺学分 阿曼达Lenig感谢他让他注意到了这个机会. 他说,面试过程“感觉不错”,他在2月初获得了工作.

“阿曼达·莱尼格非常关心学生的成功,”布伦纳说. “当工作需要改进时,她会告诉我,让我知道我没有达到目标. And she celebrated every success to show me how much I’d improved.”

Since his first year at Susquehanna, Brenner worked at the 洛尔·德根斯坦画廊, serving as manager during his junior 和 senior years. He has also worked as the 平面设计er for Susquehanna’s Career Development Center.

“The 平面设计 department at SU is tough. But I am so much better for it,布伦纳说. “The program has pushed me to be the best I can be, taught me how to think critically, take 和 implement critique, 做个好人就好. And I think that’s the most important thing.”

Answering the Call at Princeton Theological Seminary

悉尼Mastropasqua 悉尼Mastropasqua

悉尼Mastropasqua said her majors in 心理学宗教研究 辅修 音乐 都与她的使命密不可分:在普林斯顿神学院攻读神学硕士学位.

“同时学习心理学和宗教学让我获得了全人教育, which will be beneficial for my calling to the ministry,马斯特罗帕斯夸说.

The 新泽西 native plans to eventually pursue a doctorate, 目标是在本科阶段教学或担任大学牧师. 马斯特罗帕斯夸说,她选择普林斯顿大学是因为这所大学的价值观与她自己的价值观一致.

“普林斯顿, I know I will be able to express my love of learning, 对音乐的热爱和对基督的爱,以及对多元化社区的热爱,使我能够以对信仰的理解走向世界,为他人服务, 奖学金, community 和 service for ministry after seminary,”她说。.

A member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Mastropasqua, who graduated summa cum laude with departmental honors, said she was called to the ministry while a student at Susquehanna.

“When I first came to Susquehanna, I was a 心理学 major only, 但随着我越来越多地参与到学校和家庭教会的宗教和精神生活中来, I knew getting a bachelor’s degree in 宗教研究 was my calling,”她说。. “我很兴奋能完成我的呼召,我相信上帝已经并将会给我恩赐,让我在与天父的旅程中支持和带领别人.”

Educating Children at the NY Botanical Garden

凯瑟琳·福尔曼 凯瑟琳·福尔曼凯瑟琳·福尔曼以优异的成绩毕业,获得部门荣誉,理学学士学位 生物学生态, as well as a teaching certification, 所有这些都将支持她加入纽约植物园的工作人员,在那里她将为9至14岁的学生创建教育项目.

“Over my time at 浩博体育app, 我所面临的最大挑战之一是将科学信息传达给不属于我的领域的个人. I want to bridge that communication gap,” 福尔曼 said. “如果我们作为科学家不能以一种有效的方式将信息或我们的发现传达给不属于我们领域的人, then what is the purpose of what we do?”

During her four years at Susquehanna, 福尔曼 worked under her advisor 杰克·霍尔特, 生物学教授, as manager for the 浩博体育app Living Collection, 教学助理, 和 research 和 camp counselor for the 河流生态研究所. 此外,通过 马特·威尔逊, director of Susquehanna’s Center for Environmental Education 和 Research她与切萨皮克保护协会合作,为CEER和 Freshwater Research Institute to elaborate upon the projects 和 goals of the facilities.

福尔曼说:“这些经历让我感到欣慰,也再次证明了我对教学的热情。. “Dr. 霍尔特鼓励我选修一门教育基础课程, 除了我的学位之外,我还在追求一个教师证书.”

最终, 福尔曼, 长谷, 新泽西, wants to pursue this work as a career — creating interactive, educational programing that provides accessible, 简化的信息,关于各种主题有关的生态学和生物学, 从植物园, zoos 和 museums to national parks, conservancies 和 classrooms.

“The list is endless,”她说。.

A U.S. Army Posting in South Korea

萨曼莎沼泽 萨曼莎沼泽

第二个Lt. 马什(萨曼莎沼泽)将离开美国前往韩国,担任驻韩美军医疗服务团的军官.S. Army in the 568th Ground Ambulance Company.

“I have always wanted to go overseas, 和 when the opportunity came to compete for a spot to do so, I made sure to put forth my best effort,马什说. “我经历了一段漫长的旅程,才走到现在的位置和我要去的地方. 我很幸运能成为为数不多的新军官中的一员,他们能够在海外的第一个工作地点工作.”

马什是宾夕法尼亚州丹维尔人,以最优等的成绩毕业,获得了文学学士学位 心理学. During her four years at Susquehanna, Marsh has been active in the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, 为大学生准备成为现役陆军军官而设计的为期四年的课程, or part-time in the Army Reserve or Army National Guard. She graduated from Susquehanna as a Distinguished Military Graduate.

Marsh’s ultimate career goals include becoming a major in the U.S. 他还在攻读咨询或临床心理学的博士学位.

“I want to reach as many people as possible,马什说, “并找到一个地方,在那里我可以真正在军队的心理健康世界中创造改变.”

Joining the Big 4 in Las Vegas

托马斯也没有 托马斯也没有

一时兴起, 托马斯·西默斯向拉斯维加斯四大会计师事务所德勤申请了一份工作,他没想到会得到这份工作.

Simmers, a 新泽西 native, is now headed for Vegas.

“I didn’t really expect to get the job,斯默斯说, 但既然我这么做了, I’m more than happy with my decision.”

Every student in 浩博体育app’s Sigmund Weis School of Business is guaranteed an internship, 西默斯利用了这一点,完成了不止一次,而是两次国际实习——第一次是在复地市场(Forte Markets), a legal tech firm based in London, 和 the second with Trashcoin, a recycling startup based in Germany.

Simmers, who graduated with a Bachelor of Science in 会计, also was awarded his Certified Public Accountant license. In just four years, he earned the necessary 150学时 参加注册会计师考试. 因此,他在大四那年的11月获得了德勤的职位.

Dr. Ozlanski, Dr. 刘, Dr. Pomykalski 和教授 劳伦·史密斯 这些都指引我,让我选择一条更适合我个人目标的道路吗,斯默斯说. “I would not be where I am today without all four of them.”

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